India: Challenges, Considerations and Opportunities for Canadian Pellet Producers

To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality, the Government of India (GOI) mandated biomass co-firing in coal plants. Their ambitious targets include transitioning to 5 per cent co-firing by Oct 2022 and 7 per cent co-firing by Oct 2023. The government estimates that this action could save 38 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. 

However, to achieve these goals, approximately 96,000 tonnes per day of biomass pellets would be needed; current capacity is around 7,000 tonnes per day. Annually, this would require upwards of 35 million tonnes per year of biomass pellets. 

This report summarizes WPAC’s trip to India in 2023 and the key findings beneficial to the the Canadian pellet sector.

For more information, watch the webinar and download the presentation here.